Friday, March 28, 2008

I miei cugini e i miei zii - Pasqua 2008

Ciao a tutti! Un pranzo divino e una compagnia ottima.. ecco la Pasqua. Tutti i miei famigliari erano tutti molto contenti, la zia Bibi la letterata leghista, la zia Gabry musicista, lo zio Maurizio lo scienziato, la zia Raffaella la matematica, lo zio Paolo il viaggiatore, la zia Fiorenza la giornalista, il mio caro cuginetto Samuele geologo con la moglie Laura avvocato, la mia cugina Marinella dottoressa in scienze alimentari e il suo dolce fidanzato conosciuto proprio in quel momento, il mio cugino Emanuele Ingegnere con la sua dolce meta' Alessandra ingegnere e i due meravigliosi bimbi Andrea e Elisa, ogni giorno sempre piu' belli. Il pranzetto e' stato molto sostanzioso e molto mirato sui gusti di tutti noi. Io ho assaggiato, ovvero mangiato tutto..... poi per due giorni digiuno ferreo.

Le mie zie sono eccezionali e voglio a tutti loro tanto tanto bene. Ecco alcune immagini della mia famiglia

Domenica delle Palme

Con la mia famiglia siamo andati a festeggiare la mia mamma che si chiama Ulivella.. ecco qui la foto della mia famiglia

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Egyptian museum - Torino -

Dear all, together with my sister Giovanna and my nephew Daniele of 16 years old.Museum was really great, many interesting sightseeings and objects all over the Egypt of different Era. Founded in 1824 with the acquisition of a large collection, Drovetti collection became the French consul of Egypt (of Napoleane Buonaparte). 5628 objects (100 statues, 170 papyrus....)

Ernesto Schiaparelli became the Director of the museum in 1894 and he went to Egypt to acquire further antiquities. Between 1900 and 1937 he added 20000 objects to the museum. The last great addition was the small Temple of Ellesija, nubian monument.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Me and my boyfriend

We met 4 years ago and still......we are supporting each other... here we are in Abu Dhabi in a shopping center checking the marvellous and expensive shop. Naveen loves the gold and myself love all electronics. I will post other pictures of us, we have some more nice obviously but right now i cant find....
Enjoy ..... life is beautiful

Petra - Aquaba - Jordany

Ship docked in Aquaba and after 2 hours finally we reach Petra. Horses, dunkey, charriot were ready for the transportation but we prefer to walk for 2 km between the faboulous canyon with thousands of different coulour. This is called sik, the narrow walls rocky and couloured at the end a fantastic monuments called treasure is in front of me. Build from the rocky wall, still we don't know if it comes from the roman (71 dc) or from the nabeatan or hellinic period.

It is fantastic, unfortunately you can't go inside because dangerous.

It is so well maintened thanks to the canyon which repaired from the winds and from the millenium weather conditions. Discover in 1812, the inhabitants did not want to share this magnificent and precious archaelogical sites, but thanks to one French explorer i believe, actually i have not read yet the book which i bought, now thousands of visitors come here every day. Here are some pictures....

If you have the chance to go to Sharm, there are excursions which organize the visit instead to lie down and doing nothing, take the plane or the but and go to visit this incredible place.

Some pictures....

Monday, March 3, 2008

Loro Parque - Tenerife

Dolphins are incredible... look what they can do..... they miss only the word... uauuuuuuuu, fantastic are all the animals and the entertainers too. I had the opportunity also to see the white tiger and the white panther.. but dolphins are really great!

Da Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia

Ciao a tutti.... riguardando il mio hard disk ho trovato queste foto della mia gita al parco natuarale di Kota kinabalu e ai 1000 gradini e più che mi sono fatta per raggiungere la vetta più alta...

Ecco qualche immagini...

Buona notte!

Sunday, March 2, 2008